Getting the Full Benefit From Employee Communication


As the company grows, people within it tend to get held up in their roles without seeing the big picture. You will be surprised how many employees find it difficult to answer two fundamental questions about their workplace: 

  • What business is your company in?
  • Why is your company good at it?

The Challenge Defined

Business owners have to share their vision, hopes and dreams about the company with their team so it shapes concrete plans in navigating growth challenges. These conversations need to go both ways. At the same time you’re creating a common understanding of the organization’s operations and differentiators, you should be tapping into your employees’ insights about how the organization is really running and their role in it. 

Find out how employees view the company, the leadership, processes, processes, strengths, challenges, products, culture, and core values. If you’re not interested in that feedback, you’re essentially treating your people like robots – only good for the task they perform. You’re better than that!

In addition to these kinds of discussions in one-on-ones and team meetings, consider using an Employee Health Survey to anonymously collect candid feedback that may otherwise be difficult to gather.

As your company grows, make sure this dialog happens down the chain from department heads to managers to team members.  

Critical Questions

  • Can you concisely describe your company’s growth plan?
  • How do you communicate that plan to employees?
  • What mechanisms are in place to help you and your team leaders communicate on a regular basis the goals and challenges of the company?
  • How do you solicit bottom-up feedback on opportunities for improvement?

Why This Challenge Must Be Resolved

There are many benefits from two-way communication: 

  1. Employees who are valued are more valuable contributors.
  2. Employees who understand fundamentals about the company will tend to fine tune their work to be more in synch.
  3. You’re bound to discover new efficiencies and process improvements at all levels of the company through engaged employee feedback.

Need help with navigating business growth or leadership coaching? Contact Mission Critical Teams.