Five Barriers to Exceptional Leadership
CEO, Leadership QualitiesDo you have people in your organization who show promise as future leaders? Have you also seen good people sabotage their own growth potential? Mentor them and encourage them – maybe even share these insights from a Harvard Business Review…

Gold Time Can Be a Gold Mine
Execution, Goal Setting, Leadership Qualities, Planning, RESULTSTime management skills and productivity techniques have always been in demand, but with technology encroaching on our time with 24/7 access and instant notifications, these are even more critical now. People want to learn how to do quality work…

Death by Meeting (How High Functioning Teams Rise Above it)
Leadership Qualities, TeamWorkThe title of this article is from Patrick Lencioni’s book “Death by Meeting”. It is centered on one of the most painful problems of business: bad meetings. While it’s true that much of the time spent in meetings is wasted, the solution…

Slipping Clutch Syndrome – When “I Think I Can” Is Just Not Enough
Goal Setting, Leadership Qualities, Strategy executionA former colleague of mine, Joe Clark, introduced me to the concept of the “Slipping Clutch Syndrome”. The analogy is so powerful, it begs repeating.
Have you ever begun a new strategy within your organization only for the initiative…

Holistic Leadership
Leadership QualitiesTeams are a vehicle for getting something done. The term "teamwork" is tossed about, but you can’t fully appreciate its meaning until something is accomplished.
In my experience, when a group of people identify with a shared direction,…

Leadership Style And How It Affects Your Business
Leadership QualitiesA company generally has a handful of people in a leadership role. As all individuals are different, these leaders incorporate different styles when it comes to managing their work, directing their team members and overall performance. Leadership…

Big Data for Big Goals
Goal Setting, Leadership QualitiesThere seems to be a lot of buzz in the news about CEOs not harnessing the power of big data. In a global survey of 362 executives conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, data driven organizations appear to function differently. It starts…

Business Builder Versus Protector: How Do You Maintain Balance
High Performance Teams, Leadership QualitiesThe swaying tide between building a business and protecting a business is ever changing. Economic conditions, growth and evolving management teams can often shift the complexity and psyche of an organization. As the leader navigates the changes…

The Truth About Modeling The Way
High Performance Teams, Leadership QualitiesOne of my favorite business books is The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. They cite that leadership is relationship. Your people want to know who you are and that you can be authentic. You must “model the way” by discovering…