Sharing Inside Business Information With Employees
Business Challenges, High Performance TeamsThe Challenge Defined:
Not only is it critical that your employees understand how their jobs fit within the company’s operating systems and processes, they also need to realize how they personally bring value. They should understand how…

Retaining Key Employees
Business Challenges, High Performance Teams, Human ResourcesA valued employee may leave your company for any number of reasons. All too often, it happens in a growing company when someone who used to have direct access to you is now separated from you by a manager or director.
There’s a high cost…

Increase Staff Voltage and You’ll Increase Your Bottom Line
CEO, High Performance TeamsHappy People = Happy Profits. When your people are happy, when they enjoy coming to work every day, when they believe in what they’re doing, when they feel they’re recognized for the value they bring, your company will be more profitable.

Dreaded Performance Reviews – A New Approach Based on Common Sense
High Performance TeamsAccording to Marcus Buckingham, author of First Break All the Rules, and a more recent White Paper called “Next-Generation Performance Management,” here’s how great managers manage:
“They define very clearly the outcomes they want,…

Create Values So Employees Can Envision the Right Attitude
High Performance TeamsDon’t go halfway in branding your company’s operating style. Do you have a defined vision? Check. How about a mission statement? Check that box too.
But if you haven’t given your employees a way to translate these high-level ideals…

Delegation – When, What and How
High Performance TeamsWhy is it so difficult for some leaders to delegate? Deep down, they surely know that delegating responsibilities and decisions can foster growth across their company. They also must know that delegation leads to personal growth, which in turn…

Tap Into the Intelligence of Your Organization
CEO, High Performance TeamsBusiness owners and leaders often assume they know how their employees think, how they feel, what they know, and what they don’t know. They assume the best, when in reality it’s been reported that 70% of employees are either disengaged (very…

Describe and Define Critical Processes
CEO, Execution, High Performance Teams, RESULTS, Strategy executionAnything that needs to be done more than once can be captured and turned into a process. Entrepreneurs tend to ignore the value of processes. There are lots of reasons for this (and none of them are good), but that’s a story for another day.…

Creating a Dialogue to Improve Performance
High Performance Teams, Hiring, Human ResourcesWhy is there often a disconnect between a boss and an employee?
It can start with the employee’s first day on the job. They’re fresh, excited, and eager to impress. The manager is congratulating themself on a great hire and they’re…

Establish Company-Wide Behaviors That Instill Accountability
High Performance Teams, Navigating Business GrowthAccountability is an overused word and an underutilized behavior. It means, of course, “doing what you say you’ll do.” It’s also characterized by “owning up to a mistake, correcting it, and apologizing to anyone harmed by that mistake.”…