Tag Archive for: Values

Creating Meaningful Core Values
Business ChallengesThe Challenge Defined:
Every organization loves to talk about their “core values.” And I’ve even worked with some companies that seem to live by them … and thrive because of them. I’m a bit of a cynic though, when someone tells…

Create Values So Employees Can Envision the Right Attitude
High Performance TeamsDon’t go halfway in branding your company’s operating style. Do you have a defined vision? Check. How about a mission statement? Check that box too.
But if you haven’t given your employees a way to translate these high-level ideals…

The Truth About Modeling The Way
High Performance Teams, Leadership QualitiesOne of my favorite business books is The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. They cite that leadership is relationship. Your people want to know who you are and that you can be authentic. You must “model the way” by discovering…