Intentionally Navigating Your Company’s Stages of Growth

Suppose Jerry, the CEO of a successful 100-employee manufacturing firm, woke up one morning to a gut-wrenching realization. If something didn’t change soon, his company, which seemed to be charging ahead at 120 miles per hour, would hit the…

Chaotic Periods Destabilize the Company

The reality of running a business is that you have to deal with a lot of uncertainty, especially in the early stages of growth. While chaos is unavoidable, the organization can and should learn how to minimize its impact. This challenge is more…

Hiring Quality Staff

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Research showed that the cost of hiring the wrong person can be as much as three times his or her annual compensation, if not more. This is why taking the time to hire correctly is an investment in the future success of the company. Clearly…

10 Smart Moves a CEO Can Make to Stay Profitable

Anyone can run a company during good times. When profits are up, it's easy to get comfortable and overlook some of the deeper issues lying beneath the surface. These ten proven concepts will help you maintain a dynamic, thriving environment…

When Short-term Thinking Gets You in Trouble

A problem many leaders face is that they are the only ones who truly understand how the company makes money. When business is running well, that approach works. However, as soon as things start to tighten down: clients cut back orders, the bank…

An Improved Profit Design

A company's profit design starts with understanding that profitability is a result of managing and tracking a complex, interdependent set of components that contribute to the company's financial performance. Most CEOs understand the need…

Leadership & Staff Communication Gap

During a rapid growth of a small company, the family atmosphere that everybody was used to begins to fade away. There are new systems, expectations and profit goals in place to keep this much more complex organization going. Some employees find…

Expanding Sales

Expanding sales starts with a clear vision of what problem the company solves and for whom. Successful CEOs are deeply involved in the process and take time to fully understand their potential buyers’ issues as they relate to the company's…

The Need to Have Better Staff Buy-In

When a company is just getting started or is ramping up for growth, there is a huge amount of enthusiasm. Many processes are not in place yet and the people on the team are energized by the CEO's vision of the product or service. Everyone simply…

Continual Cash Flow

Unable to pay the bills, many companies with high revenue had to close their doors. Why? Because cash and revenue are not the same thing. Cash flow, critical to keeping the company afloat, is knowledge of how much money a company has every day…