Tag Archive for: CEO

Getting New Product/Services to Market Quickly
Business ChallengesThe Challenge Defined:
Being slow to get new or enhanced products or services ready for and to the market can be a make-or-break issue for an early stage company and a significant profitability issue for more mature companies.
This challenge…

Promoting Change Within an Organization
Business Challenges, CEOThe Challenge Defined:
When it comes to change in organizations, there’s a dynamic called the Builder/Protector Ratio. A Builder mindset is comfortable with risk and they’re not afraid of change or the new challenges that will emerge.…

Five Barriers to Exceptional Leadership
CEO, Leadership QualitiesDo you have people in your organization who show promise as future leaders? Have you also seen good people sabotage their own growth potential? Mentor them and encourage them – maybe even share these insights from a Harvard Business Review…

Increase Staff Voltage and You’ll Increase Your Bottom Line
CEO, High Performance TeamsHappy People = Happy Profits. When your people are happy, when they enjoy coming to work every day, when they believe in what they’re doing, when they feel they’re recognized for the value they bring, your company will be more profitable.

Tap Into the Intelligence of Your Organization
CEO, High Performance TeamsBusiness owners and leaders often assume they know how their employees think, how they feel, what they know, and what they don’t know. They assume the best, when in reality it’s been reported that 70% of employees are either disengaged (very…

Describe and Define Critical Processes
CEO, Execution, High Performance Teams, RESULTS, Strategy executionAnything that needs to be done more than once can be captured and turned into a process. Entrepreneurs tend to ignore the value of processes. There are lots of reasons for this (and none of them are good), but that’s a story for another day.…

Creating a Dialogue to Improve Performance
High Performance Teams, Hiring, Human ResourcesWhy is there often a disconnect between a boss and an employee?
It can start with the employee’s first day on the job. They’re fresh, excited, and eager to impress. The manager is congratulating themself on a great hire and they’re…

The Right Approach to Setting Employee Goals and Objectives
CEO, Goal Setting, High Performance TeamsIdeally, goals and objectives within an organization should cascade from the top. Each person should be responsible for establishing their own goals and work objectives in ways that are relevant to their job and support one or more organizational…

Obstacles to Growth: Difficulty Diagnosing the Real Problems
Business Challenges, Navigating Business GrowthCEOs often ignore issues that don’t align with their beliefs or shut down conversations that feel like a threat to their area of expertise. Then employees stop sharing, which creates bigger problems in the future. Businesses that want to keep…

Making The Most of a Recession
CEO, Strategy executionThere’s no sugarcoating it. We’re suddenly in a recession triggered by a plunge in consumer spending due to voluntary and mandatory quarantines to limit the worldwide spread of COVID-19. The impact has spread across nearly all business sectors.